Our History
In 1973 a gathering of local individuals with an interest of agricultural history, attended an unofficial event at Prochnow’s Ballroom near Athens, WI. This led to the group forming the North Central WI Antique Steam & Gas Engine Club, INC.
Our first official show was held the last weekend of August 1974 at State Park Speedway in Wausau, Wisconsin and lasted two days. Threshing, Log Sawing, Horsepower, and many hit and miss engines were part of the demonstrations.
Our Charter Members were: Edwin Balz, Leo Bartelt, Elmer Beese, Melvin Buetsch, Walter Gasch, Kurt Handrick, Gerald Jacobson, Arthur Johnson, Carl Kleinschmidt, August Kudick, Walter Lekies, John Nitzsche, Robert Nitzsche, Mark Pasholk, Leon Schneider, William Schneider, George Sommer, Frank Sommer, George Treu, Kurt Umnus, Tony Zenner.
In 1975 the show was moved to the Kurt Umnus Farm near Edgar where it has been held since. Twenty-five members started this show with the mission to preserve and demonstrate the agricultural heritage of the North Central Wisconsin area.
In 2014, the club purchased the Kurt Umnus Farm as our permanent home and the grounds will always be known as the Kurt Umnus Farm.
As interest in early 20th century history grows, so grows membership in our organization. As a non-profit group, we are continually re-investing in our grounds and improving our annual show.

We received a tribute in honor of William “Bill” Wacek. The family wrote, “One of his big enjoyments was attending your presentations of all your steam and gas engines. -- He would go all by himself and stay the whole day and talk about it for weeks. --- I hope your club continues on so that others may enjoy the machines as much as Bill did.“
North Central WI Antique Steam & Gas Engine Club, Inc is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation. Our mission is to preserve our rural, agricultural, forestry and homesteading heritage and educate future generations in all aspects of that heritage.
To assist our club in performing this mission, tax deductible donations are always welcome. These donations can be targeted to the following areas:
Youth Building general expenses. We offer the use of this building to local youth and educational groups for meetings and activities throughout the year.
Barn/Music Hall Upkeep. We have restored our 1916 barn and will be using it for our polka dance hall.
Log Cabin Restoration. Our log cabin is an authentic log cabin from the area. We will be restoring the building, and this will require outstanding funding.
Strupp Rural School. This is an authentic rural school, moved to our grounds for preservation and display.
Parking Lot Upgrades. We have placed gravel roads in our main lot to improve our visitor experience.
Campgrounds Improvements. We have added additional lighting and gravel lanes to improve safety.
Future Steamer Storage Building. Our Club is looking into funding/building a storage building for steam engines and Prairie Tractors. This will be a Tribute to our Charter Members.
General Fund. This is where all payments are deposited. This is where all monthly expenses are paid through. This includes expenses of fuel (lawn mowing, grading, snow removal), electric, septic, heat, garbage, insurance, etc.
All tax deductible donations can be mailed to our club:
North Central WI Antique Steam & Gas Engine Club, Inc.
PO Box 272
Edgar, WI 54426
We are now able to accept donations through our club Square Account.
We ask that you specify the account you would like to receive your contribution.
Donation receipt will be returned to you upon your request, just inform us of your address with your donation.
Thank you and we appreciate you supporting our club and show!
"Thank you to Tom and Jackie Martin for your generous donation to our club to assist with the barn remodel expenses. Also for challenging all club members to donate to this cause."
"We are honored and thankful to receive a donation to our club for use to assist the steam engine group. This donation was made by the Wisconsin Board of Examining Engineers.
"We would like to acknowledge and thank Terry and Ellen Eisch for the past funding support for our beautiful and useful Youth Education Center, Many area youth groups are utilizing this wonderful facility and our grounds throughout the year. "
"We would like once again to acknowledge and thank the BA Esther Greenheck Foundation for their past grant funding support of our Youth Education Center."
"We would like once again to acknowledge and thank CTech Manufacturing for their past grant funding support of our shop in the Youth Education Center."
"We would like to thank the Baeseman Family for their past memorial donation to the Youth Education Center, in honor of their father, Arden Baeseman."
"Thank you Chris Moehrke for your generosity and donation to our General Store.”